My Bike Reviews is all about reviewing the best bicycles & accessories in the market. We are a bunch of cyclists who love to ride bicycles, and that’s why we wanted to share our thoughts and to guide the beginners & the advanced cyclists. Why do we love bikes? We love bikes because cycling is a form of love that interacts with attraction and adventure. Also, cycling is eco-friendly and good for our health. Buying a new bike can sometimes be a slow and challenging process with so many bike models and accessories out there. We are helping you to find the right bicycle that best matches your interests ranges from $300 to $3000 having diverse categories. The reviews that you will find out here are our personal opinions and the experience of bike lovers. We are not paid or sponsored by any bicycle manufacturer.


We are not professionals. We are just doing these workouts because we love to exchange our thoughts with bicycle lovers around the world. Sharing is caring. Hey readers, please shout-out as well. We hope our reviews will help you to decide the best option. You deserve it, feel free to go for it. 


We hope you enjoy reading our reviews, and if you have any further questions, don’t hesitate to contact us. To subscribe to our website, simply put your email to get in touch with us, and you are always welcome to share any ideas or recommendations regarding our website. We will surely love to hear from you.




Zahid, Sojel & Opu 

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